Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm back baby...

So I haven't blogged in awhile...
Sorry. Would you like to hear a few excuses?
Naa. Me neither (although I will provide a list for those that insist)
We have been enjoying every spare second of this many travels and adventures. They would have made great blog entries (I have composed so many in my mind). Alas they shall never be...but do not despair. I'm back baby...

One of my best excuses would definitely have to be getting back to work. It has been SO hard to go back this fall. I am four weeks in and already looking to see when the next holiday is. (Thank goodness for Jewish holidays or it would be Thanksgiving!!) I hate leaving Scarlett. She is so much fun now. Way more fun than my students (I can't lie).

This year I am teaching a Special Education reading class. I have only taught advanced classes before, so it has been a huge challange so far. I am only just now starting to feel like I am doing something remotely effective. For the first time today, I did not run out of time for the lesson. In fact, today I had 10 minutes extra at the end of class to play a game. Of course this was made possible my the "There's a new sheriff in town" speech I had to give this morning. I was so stern I even worried myself. I practiced it three times in the shower, all the while channeling my father, who can lecture about naughty behavior like no other. The kids gave me very worried looks and I even got some nervous laughter. I was feeling so mean. But then they got right to work and were so cooperative that we had way more fun than usual. I just need to remember that some people really like to be bossed around--they respond very well to knowing exactly when, where and how things will happen. I am not one of those types, so I have trouble understanding it, but I do enjoy being the decision maker. Let's face it--I love being the boss.
So cheers--it is Friday, the weather's great, I'm back in the blog-o-shpere, and I'm the boss...