Saturday, June 16, 2007

The race is on...

Recently Scarlett has been babbling with consonants. This results in sounds that verge on sounding like words. Now we know that it is a coincidence when these do actually come out sounding like words, but still there seems to be a little bit of a competition beginning...
When Scarlett starts chatting, I am sure to throw in a bunch of "Mama" sounds and am Bob-Doling it (you know, refering to myself in the third person all the time). I have noticed that Nate has amped up his game and gives her a lot of "Dada" sounds.
Considering that Mama is harder to say, this will make the victory even sweeter when we hear Mama first!!
Here are some of her first babbling (excuse the grunts--nature called!)


justjuls said...

Go MAMA go!

Anonymous said...

ok now she's the freakin' genius. i love how she lights up when you say poppa.

Kate said...

I'm changing my name to "Yaya" starting now. Go try it.

Anonymous said...

I know I've said it before but she is just so cute! I agree with Lane - genius and she lights up when you say Poppa.

Perri said...

that is hilarious. she is so beautiful. I love how she can just poop and then it's like "move along, folks, nothing to see here!