Tonight is the night and we are all a little nervous...
Scarlett has gone to sleep with a pacifier (aka a binky) since she was four weeks old. Tonight she is 15 months old and we have decided that she will no longer sleep with a binky. At twelve months, we took it away during the daytime. She screamed on EVERY SINGLE car ride until she waws thirteen months old.
She is actually somewhat of a conisseur of binkies. She has favorites that rotate regurlarly...there is the diamond studded "bling binky,"the novelty binky that was actually decoration on the cake at my baby shower, the weird knobby purple one and many other interesting varities. Each night she carefully selects one to put in her mouth. Then she chooses one for each hand. These she immediately holds into her closed eye sockets as she lay. It is so cute. And now it has to stop.
I am actually a little sad too. My little baby is growing up and reaching so many milestones...she can climb up onto the couch, exclaim "yuck" when her diaper is rank, and help put her toys in the basket. She drinks from a cup and picks out her bedtime story. She has even mastered to fine art of throwing a fit when things don't go her way. I can't believe that she is the very same girl that I held in my arms and rocked to sleep as a tiny baby.
And tonight, please pray for us all. I worry that she will scream and cry at the injustice of her situation. (She can maintain the "freak-out" mode for a remarkably long time). My next worry is that she will not be able to go back to sleep when she wakes up too early. Normally Nate or I have to "re-bink" her at some ridiculous hour when all three pacifiers have fallen to the floor or wedged themselves between the crib and the wall. Now what will we do? I have a sinking feeling I am going to be up very early tomorrow morning.
I hope there is a nice sunrise...
Malachi survived his debinkification, Or maybe more accurately, Danielle and Robbie survived it.
So... did she make it through the night? Or will your next post be a picture of the sunrise?
It still amazes me that there is life after Binkies. I thought Grace would be packing them for her honeymoon.
You're soo brave!! Pray for us as we head toward that milestone.
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