In the big sister department, Scarlett is the tops. She looks at little Ens and just wants to hug and kiss him all the time. She often offers him her sippy cup or whatever delectable meal she is enjoying. She loves to help by throwing away diapers and pushing the stroller. She does not get jealous when storytime is interupted by his fervent "feed me" cry or when he gets carried and she has to walk. Ensley could not ask for a better big sister.
But she does seem to be needing me a bit more than she used to. I hear her crying out "Help peeeeeeze!" so frequently that today I couldn't even remember why I taught it to her. Sometimes I have to remind her that she can do it herself. She has discovered that when she does not get her way, she can do more than just scream (a favorite tactic) and has added in throwing her body prostrate and kicking her little feet. One of her new favorite phrases is "no Daddy" and I've caught her practicing her scowl in the mirror more than once. She knows what she wants and she has unyielding determination to accomplish her goals.
One day, I will admire those traits in her.
One day...
Maybe she'll grow up to be as awesome as you!(my little fit thrower)
noooo, you couldn't be talking about our Kara, could you??!?
and javajan chimes in saying..and Nathan, she wouldn't be taking after you by chance?
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